Fedora Board - December 2009

Election Closed voting ended 15 years ago

It is time the next round of Fedora Board elections to take place. The Fedora Board currently appoints 4 of its 9 seats, and elects 5 of the 9, on a rotating basis. This election, the Board will elect 2 seats for a full two-release term.

More Information about this election

To vote in this election you must be a member of any one of the following groups:

  • cla_done


Candidate Votes Voters per candidate Average votes per candidate
Matt Domsch (mdomsch) Elected 643 202 3.1831683168316833
Chris Tyler (ctyler) Elected 475 168 2.8273809523809526
Colin Walters (walters) 451 161 2.801242236024845
Steven M. Parrish (SMParrish) 412 154 2.675324675324675

Some statistics about this election

  • The Fedora Board - December 2009 election had 2 seats open for election .
  • A total of 225 voters participated in this election, casting 685 votes.
  • The maximum number of votes possible was 900

Evolution of the number of voters during this election