FAmSCo - Nov/Dec 2015

Election Closed voting ended 9 years ago

FAmSCo Elections - Nov/Dec 2015

More Information about this election


Candidate Votes Voters per candidate Average votes per candidate
Christoph Wickert (cwickert) Elected 1442 166 8.686746987951807
Sirko Kemter (gnokii) Elected 858 120 7.15
Truong Anh Tuan (tuanta) Elected 846 117 7.230769230769231
Abdel G. Martínez L. (potty) Elected 796 109 7.302752293577981
Gabriele Trombini (mailga) Elected 767 109 7.036697247706422
Luis Bazan (lbazan) Elected 746 106 7.037735849056604
Giannis Konstantinidis (giannisk) Elected 690 97 7.11340206185567
Dan Mossor (danofsatx / dmossor) 677 104 6.509615384615385
Alick Zhao (alick) 600 91 6.593406593406593
Ben Williams (kk4ewt / jbwillia) 588 89 6.606741573033708
Matthew Williams (Lorddrachenblut) 433 77 5.623376623376624

Some statistics about this election

  • The FAmSCo - Nov/Dec 2015 election had 7 seats open for election .
  • A total of 222 voters participated in this election, casting 1185 votes.
  • The maximum number of votes possible was 2442

Evolution of the number of voters during this election