FAmSCo June 2012

Election Closed voting ended 12 years ago

The elections should ensure continuous involvement of the community in the decision-making process, as well as rotation of membership to have inflow of new ideas and views. FAmSCo members duties include, but are not limited to: decision-making and leadership authority for Fedora Ambassadors and to lesser degree, Fedora Marketing group. FAmSCo members should exhibit strong leadership, commitment, and accountability towards the Ambassadors, and be available to provide advice and help to them. Especially important is recruitment and mentoring of new Ambassadors. All FAmSCo members should be ready to spend considerable amount of time on their FAmSCo responsibilities and to be held accountable for their actions by the Fedora Advisory Board. This is a special transitional election for FAmSCo. All seven seats are open for election. The four candidates receiving the most votes will be seated for two release cycles and the next three candidates by vote count will be seated for one release cycle. As those terms expire, future elections will be held each release to fill the open seats for two release terms.

More Information about this election

To vote in this election you must be a member of any one of the following groups:

  • anycla


Candidate Votes Voters per candidate Average votes per candidate
Christoph Wickert (FAS: cwickert, IRC: cwickert) Elected 1152 152 7.578947368421052
Jiri Eischmann (FAS: eischmann, IRC: sesivany) Elected 887 130 6.823076923076923
Clint Savage (FAS: herlo, IRC: herlo) Elected 796 115 6.921739130434783
Nick Bebout (FAS: nb, IRC: nb) Elected 576 97 5.938144329896907
Alejandro Perez (FAS: aeperezt, IRC: aeperezt) Elected 553 89 6.213483146067416
Daniel Bruno (FAS: dbruno, IRC: danielbruno) Elected 543 88 6.170454545454546
Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera (FAS: bckurera, IRC: bckurera) Elected 512 91 5.626373626373627
Truong Anh Tuan (FAS: tuanta, IRC: tuanta) 470 84 5.595238095238095
Arif Tri Waluyo (FAS: arifiauo, IRC: arifiauo) 340 74 4.594594594594595

Some statistics about this election

  • The FAmSCo June 2012 election had 7 seats open for election .
  • A total of 207 voters participated in this election, casting 920 votes.
  • The maximum number of votes possible was 1863

Evolution of the number of voters during this election