Fedora 20 Release Name

Election Closed voting ended 11 years ago

This ballot is for the selection of the release name for Fedora 20. To read more about the proposed names, and the relationship rules for Fedora release names, click 'More information' below.

More Information about this election

To vote in this election you must be a member of any one of the following groups:

  • anycla


Candidate Votes Voters per candidate Average votes per candidate
Heisenbug Elected 1549 248 6.245967741935484
Eigenstate 1291 234 5.517094017094017
Félicette 961 190 5.057894736842106
Superego 879 177 4.966101694915254
Cherry Ice Cream 826 169 4.887573964497041
Chateaubriand 808 170 4.752941176470588
Santa Claus 750 149 5.033557046979865
Österreich 653 153 4.26797385620915

Some statistics about this election

  • The Fedora 20 Release Name election had 1 seats open for election .
  • A total of 361 voters participated in this election, casting 1490 votes.
  • The maximum number of votes possible was 2888

Evolution of the number of voters during this election